Decentralized exchange data with DEX API
Provides real-time deposits and transactions, trades, OHLC and other related data on different DEX protocols like Uniswap, Raydium, Jupiter, Orca, Airswap, Matching Network, etc.

Provides real-time deposits and transactions, trades, OHLC and other related data on different DEX protocols like Uniswap, Raydium, Jupiter, Orca, Airswap, Matching Network, etc.
Integrate TradingView Chart
Build DEX Terminal
Backtest trading strategies
Research & Analysis
Indices & Market Making
Delve into a wealth of DEX data points, including detailed DEX historical data. Build DEX tools to provide an all-encompassing view of DEX market dynamics, crucial for savvy traders.
Get real-time and historical token price data, including USD values. We also provide trades that are not confirmed by simulating mempool transactions.
We index almost all DEXs, including Uniswap, PancakeSwap, SushiSwap, QuickSwap, etc. Get real-time and historical Uniswap PancakeSwap data using our GraphQL APIs.
Free plan for developers or small projects
Personal Use Only
10k Points For Trial
10 Rows Per Request
Public Telegram Support
All Blockchains
10 Request/minute
2 simultaneous streams for Testing purposes
Tailored solutions for business and enterprise needs
Customizable for your needs
24/7 Access to our Enginerring Team
Priority support via Slack and Telegram
All Blockchains
Scalable API calls & No Throttling
Multiple Data Interfaces (SQL, Cloud, Kafka and more)
Dedicated onboarding & custom SLA
Explore Arbitrum's Booming DEX Landscape with Bitquery's Powerful GraphQL APIs for Trading Data, Liquidity Pools, Token Transfers, and More
In this blog, we will explore the Arbitrum Ecosystem using metrics derived from blockchain data, including Total Value Locked (TVL), Token Holders, Top Wallets, DEXs, etc., with the help of Bitquery API.
In the DeFi landscape, access to reliable data sources is imperative. This comprehensive guide explores a diverse array of SushiSwap APIs and tools, empowering traders, investors, and developers with data-driven insights.