Index DEX Protocol On Bitquery

<span class="block lg:inline-block"><span class="bg-gradient-to-r from-gradient_left to-gradient_right background-text-clip text-4xl lg:text-5xl">Index DEX Protocol On Bitquery</span></span>
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Streaming APIs

Building Protocol is tough; Adoption is tougher

Data services


Let’s say you have built a new DEX protocol; now what? Challenges start now. Now you need to build APIs to provide your DEX protocol data to your users and other entities. For example, what are new pairs, their liquidity, APY, new trades, etc.? You need this data continuously for your community and other websites that want to showcase this data.

However, getting your own data from your protocol is not easy. First, you need to extract data from the blockchain and then transform it according to your need. This takes time and resources.

Additionally, as you are DEX protocol, you need traders. And getting traders on your exchange is much more difficult because traders need tools such as charting and analytics.


Use Bitquery and index your protocol on our infrastructure. Bitquery has built a scalable, reliable infrastructure for processing billions of records every day and provides simple GraphQL APIs on top of them. At Bitquery, we have indexed hundreds of DEX protocols across blockchains. Currently, we support more than 20 blockchains and almost all the popular DEX protocols. Almost the DEX tooling providers use Bitquery’s simple charting and trade APIs to access DEX data for their users.

Data services
Data services

We support

  • Top Exchanges and DEX tools use our DEX APIs at scale
  • Currently, we support DEXs on all major blockchains such as Ethereum, Binance smart chain, and more blockchains and DEX protocols are coming soon
  • We Support Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon andMore than 100 DEXs including all major DEXs, such as Uniswap, Pancake, Curve, 0x, Balancer, Coinswap, etc

Trusted by the leading organizations



Developer Plan (Free)

Free plan for developers or small projects


Personal Use Only


10k Points For Trial


10 Rows Per Request


Public Telegram Support


All Blockchains


10 Request/minute


2 simultaneous streams for Testing purposes

Free Plan for

developer or small project

$0 / month
  • 10K points for trial

  • All Blockchains

Commercial Plan

Tailored solutions for business and enterprise needs


Customizable for your needs


24/7 Access to our Enginerring Team


Priority support via Slack and Telegram


All Blockchains


Scalable API calls & No Throttling


Multiple Data Interfaces (SQL, Cloud, Kafka and more)


Dedicated onboarding & custom SLA

Talk to our team for pricing

  • Custom Solutions

  • Priority Support