Elevate Your DApps withAdvanced Smart Contract Data API

Our Smart Contract API is designed to provide developers, auditors, and analysts with powerful Smart Contract data to explore, monitor, and leverage any Dapp on 40+ blockchains.

Elevate Your DApps with<span class="block lg:inline-block"><span class="bg-gradient-to-r from-gradient_left to-gradient_right background-text-clip text-4xl lg:text-5xl">Advanced Smart Contract Data API</span></span>

Trusted by the leading organizations in Web3

Data On Demand

Key Features of Smart Contract API

Indexed Parsed Smart Contract Calls, Events, and Attributes

Our API offers extensive indexing and parsing capabilities, making it simple to retrieve detailed information about contract calls, events, and attributes.

Internal Transactions with Call Trace and Opcodes

Our API not only tracks internal transactions but also provides a detailed call trace. This level of detail offers a comprehensive view of the transactions and operations happening within smart contracts.

Smart Contract Aggregated Analytics

Obtain smart contracts insights, including details on financial inflows and outflows, transaction records, contract interactions, gas usage analytics, information on the initiators of transactions, money flow, and comprehensive statistics on events and contract calls.

Practical Use Cases for Diverse Needs


Our Smart Contract API is an invaluable resource for DApp developers. Utilize events and call data to fetch essential DApp information, enhancing the functionality and user experience of your decentralized applications.

Smart Contract KPIs and Analytics

Access essential metrics and analyze patterns, frequencies, and trends in your smart contracts. Our APIs can aggregate smart contract data, facilitating the assessment of performance, efficiency, and usage of your smart contracts.

Smart Contract Audit and Monitoring

Ensure the security and efficiency of your smart contracts. Our Real-time and historical APIs facilitate comprehensive auditing and continuous monitoring, identifying potential vulnerabilities and performance issues.

Access data from

AWSGoogle CloudAzureSnowFlake

Explore Our Smart Contract API

All Smart Contract Events

Fetch all the events from a smart contract on any chain

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Specific Smart Contract Event

Filter specific events by name or signature to simplify data retrieval

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All Smart Contract Calls

Get all smart contract calls made by users with details related to calls

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Specific Method Call for a Smart Contract

Filter calls to specific functions of a smart contract executed by user

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Specific Arguments for All Events

Query parsed argument for any events of smart contracts

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Opcodes for Smart Contracts Calls

Extract opcode data from smart contract calls users made

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Complete Tracing for a Transaction

Get step by step details to explore execution of the transaction

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Bitquery offers a broad selection of blockchains to get data for. The complex raw data is available in different levels of detail and from different viewpoints - whether we need simple, aggregated transfers or parameters for failed contract calls. The support is very responsive, friendly and quick to help.

Jan Dreske
Backend Developer, Blockpit
Backend Developer, Blockpit
CTO, PartyFinance
Primex Finance
Director, Binance X
Co-Founder, Syla


Developer Plan (Free)

Ideal for developing trials and testing our data


Personal Use Only


10k Points/month


10 Rows Per Request


Public Telegram Support


All Blockchains


10 Request/minute


5 Minute Uninterrupted Real Time Streaming (1 simultaneous stream only)

Free Plan for

developer or small project

$0 / month
  • 10K points / mo

  • All Blockchains

Commercial Plan

Tailored solutions for business and enterprise needs


Customizable based on specific requirements


24/7 Engineering Team Access


Priority support using Slack and Telegram


All Blockchains


Scalable API calls & No Throttling


Data interfaces such as SQL, Cloud Infra, Kafka etc.


Dedicated onboarding & custom SLA

Talk to our team for pricing

  • Custom Solutions

  • Priority Support

Ready to Build Next-generation compliance infrastructure?

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